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Koolparoo Saddle and Tack
Cart 1 $169.00

EquiflexSleeve Support Wrap


EquiflexSleeve provides optimal support for your horse’s legs, and you will find them very easy to use.

  • The sleeve takes the place of traditional standing wraps and can be worn for longer periods of time than traditional wraps. Unlike traditional wraps, the sleeve allows heat to dissapate, does not immobilize the joints and remains in position as swelling decreases.
  • Replaces cumbersome standing wraps.
  • Prevents stocking up.
  • Reduces joint swelling and wind puffs.
  • Provides support and comfort for tired legs.
  • Breathable, heat dissipating and moisture wicking.
  • Quick drying, machine washable and dryer safe.
  • Made in the U.S.A.


Just do this simple test:   Put the Equiflexsleeves on your horse.  [Note: The sleeve should easily settle on the leg from mid-pastern to just below the knee/hock.   You should not have to overstretch the fabric to get it up to the knee/hock.]      Hand-walk for 3-4 minutes (this is more movement than the average horse will do in the stall overnight).   If the sleeves stay in position, you have the right size.

There are a couple of other common factors that may determine how the Equiflexsleeves will wear on your horse:

  1. Large, untrimmed or uneven ergots will catch in the fabric and pull against the top of the Equiflexsleeves with every step.
  2. Horses with extremely deep steps or a lot of “action” (where the fetlock moves vertically 4-6 inches with each step) will work against the top of the Equiflexsleeves as well.  We tend to see this in upper level dressage or open jumpers.
  3. Application of products with a silicone base like show sheen or fly spray may cause slippage.

Whether your horse needs added support when trailering, rehabilitating from and injury, support for an old injury or is prone to stocking up, EquiFlexSleeve provide a safe, easy to use solution.

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