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Koolparoo Saddle and Tack
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Martin Natural Antique Finish 16.5″ Performance Saddle. #02978


Tooling and full range of option prices available on request.

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Martin 16.5″ Weathered Antique Performance Saddle 7″ Gullet, Hard Seat, In Skirt Rigging, 2.5″ Cantle, Stirrup Positioning Retention Slot, Mother Hubbard Round Skirt, Short Twist Half Hole Fenders, Rear Billet and Cinch with Hoof Pick, Half Tooled Rose, Wyoming Conchos, 3″ Nettles Dark Oak Timber Stirrups.

The new Performance Saddle keeps riders in a secure and winning position without restriction. Specially designed for cowhorse competitions, the Performance saddle is used and endorsed by NRHA and NRCHA Champion Todd Bergen. The saddle features a seat pocket that positions the rider, keeping him balanced and stable even during the toughest runs. It accommodates necessary movements by the rider to sit up in the turn-arounds or stay deep in the seat for rundowns and stops. And it is so comfortable that it makes you feel like you can easily do any event. That is why the Performance saddle crosses over for riders competing in reining and ranch versatility events as well.
• Narrow, comfortable seat keeps riders securely positioned
• Refined leg cut gives a close contact with the horse
• Handmade, custom quality and classic style
• Fenders allow legs freedom of movement as needed
• Available with D Rig  In Skirt or Adjustable Rigging.

The Martin Performance Saddle is available to order with many tooling and appearance options. For more information contact [email protected]

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